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Lindsay Bingham
Dec 15, 20192 min read
Christmas Traditions
We have a lot of fun Christmas traditions but I thought I would share a couple of the ones that we do to help bring Christ into our...
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Lindsay Bingham
Nov 21, 20196 min read
My favorite Thanksgiving Recipes
I have only hosted Thanksgiving a handful of times but my very favorite part is to decorate. You don't have to spend a lot of money but...
3,963 views14 comments

Lindsay Bingham
Oct 30, 20194 min read
My favorite costume ever
Halloween 2013 Russell the Boy Scout and Carl the old man from the movie Up The twins were 21 months old. Even though we knew for a while...
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Lindsay Bingham
Oct 21, 20193 min read
When I think back on when my twins Ashton and Landon were little, it's a bit of a blur. Our hands were full, our eyes were tired and in...
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Lindsay Bingham
Oct 14, 20193 min read
Fall Front Porch
My sweet golden retriever puppy has been chewing up my old worn down front door rug and it made me realize how much my front porch needed...
789 views4 comments

Lindsay Bingham
Oct 11, 20192 min read
Lemon Parsley Potatoes
This is the recipe I made for Justin's birthday dinner on the vlog that you can watch here. This is just...
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Lindsay Bingham
Oct 2, 20195 min read
Unexpected Lessons learned
Saturday we decided to hike to Primrose Overlook as a family and invited Justin's brother's family to come with us. All of our kids are...
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Lindsay Bingham
Jun 3, 20193 min read
An inspiring little boy defeating all odds
Photo Credit: Michelle Madsen Before I had Landon I didn't know much about what Cerebral Palsy is. There is a large spectrum within the...
10,549 views13 comments

Lindsay Bingham
May 5, 20192 min read
Why do you walk funny?
One day a month or so ago, Landon came to me upset that someone from the other side of our neighborhood (who's never met him before)...
8,592 views8 comments

Lindsay Bingham
Apr 30, 20194 min read
We don't really live in Holland 😉
Meet Justin (Dad) Lindsay (Mom) Turin (11) Ashton and Landon (8 year old identical twin boys) and baby girl Ava (3). Don't let these...
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