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Why do you walk funny?

Writer: Lindsay BinghamLindsay Bingham

One day a month or so ago, Landon came to me upset that someone from the other side of our neighborhood (who's never met him before) walked up to him in front of our house and asked "why do you walk funny?"

In my mind I thought is this really the first time this has happened? Surely it's not. However up until this point, I must have been there every time ready to intercept any questions or comments, the good-intentioned and the insensitive. I'd always given some vague positive response about how it's hard for him and how hard he's working as I smiled and walked away. I didn't really want to talk about it, didn't feel it was anyone's business and I just wanted to protect Landon. Protect, stay positive, keep going... that's all my heart was capable of up until this point. Even then, there were times that innocent comments would crush me. I'd hold it together in front of my kids until I could hide in my room and ugly cry.

So here he is standing in front of me wondering how to cope with feelings of embarrassment that he walks different than other people do. "Why was I given this body mom?" My mama heart couldn't have hurt any more to hear him ask that question. It was one of those moments I knew God had been preparing me for, giving me the strength, giving me the words. It was time to teach him to embrace who he is, to be proud of who he is, every single piece of who he is. We talked through different ideas of what he could say to someone if he were in that situation again. We practiced over and over. He sobbed. My heart broke. I wanted to fix it but knew I couldn't.

I felt impressed to have a conversation with all of my kids. I knew this affected all of us, that his brothers were aware of the pain that Landon was feeling and because they love him so much they felt it too. I called them all into the family room. I was overcome with emotion. I told them that when we came to this earth that God gave us the gift of a body, but that it was just one of many gifts we were given. That God gave each of us many beautiful gifts. I talked about how beautifully their gifts complement each other and our family. I told them that everyone has their strengths and everyone has their struggles in life. That when we feel sad and discouraged about something that's hard for us, we aren't alone. We are all unique and different. The world would be so boring if we were all the same. I talked to them about being proud of who they are because God created them to be exactly the way they are.

To be honest, it felt like one of those parenting moments where you wonder if much is sinking in. I hoped to at least plant a seed that day. It was a turning point for all of us. Our hearts were ready for more.

Embrace, trust, let your light shine.



alex palmer
alex palmer
May 07, 2020

And also he is a tough cookie when he comes to when he comes to do a physical therapy and all that kind of stuff


alex palmer
alex palmer
May 07, 2020

Lindsay I know how much I missed you but I bet she knows how much his parents allowed to have any for all of them just wanna point that out


May 07, 2020

I bet God saw that bright Landon, his caring siblings, and his wonderful parents had the strength and wisdom to teach and inspire others around; That's why He could trust to "send you guys to Holland" to become "Holland's ambassadors" for the oblivious (talking about myself here) world.

Thank you very much for sharing Both of your Ups and Downs and letting others learn and at times feel comforted through your journey too.

There is so much more praise and gratitude you guys deserve then a simple comment can offer <3


Naomi Douglas
Naomi Douglas
Sep 03, 2019

Ach what a hard lesson for a little one. But what a beautiful mamma to teach it so well. I have only just started watching your vlogs, of course I have seen you on the TIHWB vlogs and I had never noticed anything about Landon except for his ginormous smile and sweet gentle spirit. Really enjoying the evident quiet gentle heart of your family. Love from Australia. 🇦🇺


Sep 03, 2019

This blog post reminded me of a camp near and dear to my heart. I have been volunteering at Seattle Children’s Stanley Stamm Summer Camp for a couple of years and I think if you are able to send Landon up here for a week that would be so amazing! We do have campers who travel to go to this camp because it is for children with chronic medical needs which can range mentally or physically. The camp is completely free for the campers through donations. Although it is only a week long, what I love about this camp is that it allows kids to truly be kids and not worry about being different. The camp celebrates all of thei…



Thank you! We will let you know when its back in stock!

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